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Food Box

Individual & Family Food Assistance

Walk-In Service 

Everyone Welcome

Eligibility: low-income

Want to Donate Non-Perishables:

Drop during Miwumati Business hours to 4629 Highway 49 South, Mariposa, CA. 

sweat lodge medicine ties

Support Services

Culture is Prevention

Culture as Prevention means to choose wellness by learning and practicing a cultural activity. When we practice our traditions and ceremonies we reduce engagement in non-healthy choices. In practicing culture we also heal ourselves and become good teachers for all the generations of elders in training.

Practice Culture<>Preserve Culture

Try these cultural activities to stay well during difficult journeys:

* Gather sticks of Elderberry, willow, sour berry and others for weaving.

*Gather acorn, grind flour and cook with ancestral first foods.

*Gather cedar, sage, pine, bay leaf, rosemary, lavender, mugwort and smudge (burn & cleanse with light smoke) yourself and your home. 

*Research, speak, read and write in your tribal first language.

*Bead a gift

*Learn a new Cultural Craft

*Sew traditional clothes to look forward to future gatherings

*Go to water




Mental Health Services

One on One -Goal Oriented Counseling

Drug & Alcohol Support Counseling

Grief Counseling

Family Support

Talking Circles (Events)

Sweat Lodge (Events)

Phone & Computer Counseling Access Available

Miwumati Healing Center

Working Together Towards a Brighter Future

We are proud to partner with Whitefawn wellness to offer a holistic approach to positive mental health, physical fitness and spiritual well-being.

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